Vision & Values
We exist to know Jesus & to make Him known.
The Four Pillars of New Life
Core Values
We are Risk Takers.
We believe big and start small. We won’t insult God with small thinking or safe living.
We are Contributors, not Consumers.
The church does not exist for us; we are the Church and we exist for the world.
We do not just maintain; we multiply.
We are committed to generational growth.
We believe that to reach people no one is reaching, we have to do the things no one is doing.
We give up the things we love for the things we love even more.
God’s presence is greater than our preference.
We laugh hard, loud, and often.
Nothing is better than serving God with the people you love.
We are devoted to creating atmospheres where God chooses to dwell and where people encounter His power.
We are committed to growing together.
You can grow alone, but you will grow weird.
We see a church…
We see a church that is generational in calling and generous in nature. Committed to reaching those who have not been reached throughout all the earth with the greatest of all visions, to know Jesus and make Him known.
We see a church that refuses to be content with the triumphs of the past, but is constantly looking towards the future – filled with a vision that inspires and influences many.
We see a church whose primary activities are to minister to God’s heart, receive His love, listen to His voice, and then decree, prophesy, and pray those realities into the earth.
We see a church with buildings that struggle to contain what God is doing; occupying land and places miraculous in provision and impossible to ignore.
We see a church that goes further than the four walls of a building and beckons “Welcome Home” to every man, woman and child.
We see a church with God sized dreams yet so personal that everyone can find their seat at the table.
We see a church of people face to face with the power and majesty of God.
We see a church that is constantly innovative, creative & entrepreneurial in walking out the message of Jesus.
We see a church with a world class education system from birth to college that raises up and empowers generations of young anointed leaders from across the globe.
We see a church pioneering a move of people who lead leaders: naturally gifted, spiritually potent and genuinely humble. Leaders who will pay the price and count the cost of impacting cities and nations with great, God-glorifying churches. People who dare to be themselves while living secure in the knowledge that “what they are part of is bigger than the part they play.”
We see a church who embraces the mess that comes with doing life with each other. Healthy churches are not meant to be nice and neat. Graveyards are nice and neat.